Click on the Marketplace Link on the Top Menu.

Thank you for visiting zona sur online. We are building this web application and a lot more technologies. Contact me if you are looking for a gig.

Musical Artists

Developing a blockchain platform for musical artists based on the Algorand Smart Contracts (ASCs)


Graphic Artists

What is meant by Web 3.0? Is it a platform or is it a concept? Learn more about Non-fungible tokens and blockchain


Digital Certrificates

Click on the free trial and become part of the blockchain. We will mint and market your Non-fungible's.

Featured Artists

On December 3rd & 4th of 2021 we are featuring Sister Speak at the Bamboo Room in Ojochal Costa Rica. Yes, the weekend of the Total Eclipse.

Blockchain Transactions

Working with Rand Labs makers of the Algo Explorer AlgoExplorer allows you to explore and search the Algorand blockchain for transactions, addresses, stake rewards, stats, tokens, price and other activities taking place on the Algorand network.

Proof of Provenance

Provenance - a record of ownership of a work of art or collectible expanded to include stewardship of natural resources to be used as a guide for authenticity or quality

Live Event, Stay Tuned

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Lunar Eclipse

Get more information visiting the NASA website (pdf).

Get the details
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This is happening on December 04, 2021 (Peaking 300km from Georgia Antartica).

Go there

Contact Us

Zona Sur Online
Costa Rica, CA



  • Partnership & Advisory board

    ZSO is establishing partnerships and relationhips with non profit and for profit organizations with shared interests. More information will be published soon. Please Subscribe for a courtesy reminder.

  • Community Outreach and Sustainability

    ZSO's primary directive is climate care and the stwerdship of our "Medio Ambiente". Be sure and suscribe, we want to hear from you.


General information will be made available on December 04, 2021. For pre qualifications please contact

Thank you for your interest in public media, local culture and the work of international artisans and creators.